Autoren: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Bernice Rubens Eugen Ruge
Rudolf von Bitter Rucker

Mathematiker und Science-Fiction-Autor. Urururenkel des Philosophen G. F. W. Hegel. Zu seinem "Status" – einer der Väter des Cyberpunk – meint er: In the years 1982–1986, I wrote six books. This period marked the birth of cyberpunk science-fiction, and I became recognized as a founding father of the movement.

1980 [sff] Weißes Licht [White Light]
1981 [sff] Gödel, Zappa, Rock'n'Roll [Spacetime Donuts]
1982 [sff] Software [Software] – Teil von: Ware
1983 [sff] Lafcadio und die Sexkugel [The Sex Sphere]
1984 [sff] Herr über Raum und Zeit [Master of Space and Time]
1985 [sff] Lichtfänger [The Secret of Life]
1988 [sff] Wetware [Wetware] – Teil von: Ware
1990 [sff] Hohlwelt [The Hollow Earth]
1991 [sff] All the Visions: A Novel of the Sixties
1994 [sff] The Hacker and the Ants
1997 [sff] Freeware – Teil von: Ware
1998 [sff] Saucer Wisdom
2000 [sff] Realware – Teil von: Ware
2002 [sff] Spaceland
2003 [sff] Hacker and the Ants, Version 2.0
2004 [sff] Frek and the Elixir
2006 [sff] Mathematicians in Love
2007 [sff] Postsingular