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Robin Robertson Marilynne Robinson
Kim Stanley Robinson

US-Schriftsteller, der sich auf Science-Fiction konzentriert. Schrieb seine Doktorarbeit über die Romane von Philip K. Dick.

1976 [sff] Orbit 18
1984 [sff] The Wild Shore
1984 [sff] Icehenge
1984 [ess] The Novels of Philip K. Dick
1985 [sff] The Memory of Whiteness
1986 [sff] The Planet of the Table
1988 [sff] The Gold Coast
1989 [sff] Escape From Kathmandu
1990 [sff] Pacific Edge
1991 [sff] Remaking History
1992 [sff] Red Mars
1993 [sff] Green Mars
1996 [sff] Blue Mars
1997 [sff] Antarctica
1999 [sff] The Martians
2001 [sff] Vinland the Dream
2002 [sff] The Years of Rice and Salt
2004 [sff] Forty Signs of Rain
2005 [sff] Fifty Degrees Below
2007 [sff] Sixty Days And Counting
2009 [sff] Galileo's Dream
2012 [sff] 2312
2013 [sff] Shaman: A Novel of the Ice Age
2015 [sff] Aurora