Autoren: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Olga Borissowna Martynowa Harry Martinson
Valerie Martin

US-Schriftstellerin, die lange Jahre an Universitäten gelehrt hat.

1976 [pro] Love: Short Stories
1978 [rom] Set in Motion
1979 [rom] Alexandra
1987 [rom] A Recent Martyr
1988 [pro] The Consolation of Nature, and Other Stories
1990 [rom] Im Haus des Dr. Jekyll [Mary Reilly]
1993 [rom] The Great Divorce
1999 [rom] Italian Fever
2003 [rom] Property
2006 [pro] The Unfinished Novel, and Other Stories
2007 [rom] Trespass
2009 [rom] The Confessions of Edward Day
2014 [rom] The Ghost of the Mary Celeste
1996 Stephen Frears verfilmt "Mary Reilly" mit Julia Roberst und John Malkovich.